Maher’s Florist

Mother’s Day is a great time to send Mother’s Day Flower Bouquets. She will love the thoughtful gesture, and you can rest assured that she will be able to enjoy them for days after they were delivered. We have assembled a list of the best-selling bouquets this year so you can easily find what will make her smile on this special day.



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Mother’s Day Popular Flowers


Roses are a classic Mother’s Day flower. They are available in different colors and varieties, which means you can choose the perfect one for your mom. Roses are best for mothers who like traditional flowers, but if she is more adventurous than that (or just likes red), consider getting her some other kinds of blooms instead! Roses come in white, yellow, peach and pink varieties as well as reds ranging from deep burgundy to pale pink-and-white striped petals. If you want to get your mom a bouquet of roses, make sure you know her preference for size. Some people prefer small bouquets that fit in a vase on the kitchen counter or dining room table, while others like to have larger arrangements that can be displayed in the living room or bedroom.

You can also choose a color that matches your mom’s favorite outfit or decor. Or, if you are feeling especially creative, try making her a bouquet out of all the different types of flowers she loves! A great choice for roses is the Rosa Damascena. Also known as the Damask rose, this variety is one of the oldest and most popular roses in the world. It has got a rich color and scent that makes it perfect for almost any occasion.


Tulips are one of the most popular flowers for Mother’s Day. A symbol of spring and rebirth, tulips also represent love and good fortune. They come in many different colors, including red, pink, yellow and white; some varieties even have petals that are striped or speckled with black dots! The size of these blooms ranges from small to large depending on how long they have been allowed to grow. In addition, Tulips are easy to care for and will last several days in a vase if you keep them cool. If you want your tulips to last even longer, try placing them in ice water or adding floral preservative before arranging them in a vase.

As mentioned earlier, Tulips are a symbol of spring and rebirth, and they also represent love and good fortune. They come in many different colors, including red, pink, yellow and white; some varieties even have petals that are striped or speckled with black dots! The size of these blooms ranges from small to large depending on how long they have been allowed to grow.


Lilies are a great choice for Mother’s Day. They have a long history of being associated with motherhood, and they symbolize purity, innocence and beauty. Lilies come in many colors and sizes so you can find the perfect one for your mom! Lilies are a great way to show your mother how much you care about her.


Daisies are a symbol of purity, and the name daisy comes from the old English word “day’s eye.” They are commonly used in bouquets. Daisies are available in many colors, including white, yellow and orange. Again, they are also available in many different varieties, including the classic daisy and a “double” variety that has many layers of petals. Daisies are popular cut flowers because they last well in water, and they can be used to decorate all sorts of things.


Peonies are a great choice for Mother’s Day flowers. They are also a symbol of love and admiration, so if your mother loves flowers, this could be the perfect way to show her how much you care about her. Peonies come in many colors and sizes, so you can easily find one that fits with your mom’s style. Peonies are one of the most popular flowers because they’re long-lasting and have a classic look. These flowers can be used to make beautiful bouquets or centerpieces for Mother’s Day celebrations.

If you are looking for something a little more unique, try sending your mom some beautiful orchids. Orchids are one of the most popular flowers because they are long-lasting and have a classic look. And again, these can be used to make beautiful bouquets or centerpieces for Mother’s Day celebrations.


Send Mother’s Day Flowers from Maher’s Florist. It is never too early to start planning for the big day! Flowers have been used as symbols of love and affection since ancient times, and although there is no definitive date for when Mother’s Day was first observed, it is believed that Queen Victoria first celebrated this holiday in England on February 14th, 1872, after she passed through town during her tour of Scotland with Prince Leopold (who later became King Leopold II). The first Mother’s Day was observed in 1908 in West Virginia and was officially recognized by the United States government in 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson.


Maher’s Florist Mother’s Day Flowers & Gifts

Maher’s Florist offers the best selection of Mother’s Day flowers in Annapolis, Glen Burnie, Pasadena and Severna Park, Maryland. We have all your favorite floral varieties. Our Ecuadorian roses are absolutely stunning. We also have a number of arrangements that include gorgeous full bloom hydrangea, gladiolus and exotic orchids. Shop our Mother’s Day collection online or stop by either of our two floral design centers to see all of the great options we have available.

One of the biggest Flower shopping days of the year is Mother’s Day. Do not wait until the last minute to order your lovely Mother’s Day Flowers. The world class Floral Designers at Maher’s Florist have designed thoughtful and heartfelt masterpiece arrangements and bouquets. Mom is a special lady who spent many hours of unconditional commitment to our success, happiness and wellbeing. Treat her special with wonderful Flower Arrangement from Maher’s Florist. Her eyes will sparkle, and she will feel the love. Then if you are still looking for fun activities to do with Mom on this special day, there are hundreds of things to do. Whatever you choose it will not matter to her as long as she is with you.

Mother’s Day was first celebrated in 1908, but it wasn’t till 1914 that President Woodrow Wilson declared it a national holiday. The idea of celebrating mothers didn’t come from nowhere. In fact, it came from the heart of a mother herself—the founder of Mother’s Day, Anna Jarvis, whose mother died when she was only 8 years old. Jarvis wanted to celebrate her mother’s life and make sure other mothers knew how important they were. She organized a memorial service for her mother at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Grafton, West Virginia and asked people to wear white roses so that everyone could see how much they loved their mothers. But Jarvis didn’t want this to be just a one-time event—she wanted an occasion that would be celebrated every year on the same day as her mother’s death: May 10th (the anniversary of her birth). She started an organization called “Mothers’ Day International” with the goal of creating Mothers’ Day as a holiday all over the world—and she succeeded!

Mother's Day Flower Bouquet


Shades of Sunset

A beautiful array of roses in shades of orange, hot pink and light pink with bright green accents. This beauty is sure to be a mother pleaser.

Maher’s Florist 

8095-C Edwin Raynor Boulevard, Pasadena, MD 21122

Phone: (410) 255-6120