Shop with Maher’s Florist for Glorious Easter and Spring Flowers

Maher's Florist Buys Many of the Flowers we Sell Direct from the Growers for the Benefit of our Customers. Spring is a perfect time of year to visit Maher's Florist and shop with us to see our spectacular Easter and Spring Flowers Collection. Lasting until June 21st, we are gifted with the beautiful colors and activities that come with the wonderous Spring Season.  Easter has always been a traditional holiday to spend time with loved ones and friends. It is also a perfect holiday for colorful flowers. During Spring there are a multitude of colorful flowers to purchase for Easter. Not only do flowers add beauty and freshness to the Easter Holiday and Spring Season, but they also have religious meaning in some cases as they relate to Easter.  Maher's Florist has a broad selection of Easter and Spring Flowers. It is a great time of year to get outdoors with family and enjoy the beauty of the season. There are many different events in and around the Pasadena area. One such event is the Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Pasadena [...]

2022-04-06T15:11:16+00:00April 6, 2022|Easter and Spring Flowers, Easter Flowers, Easter Plants, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Maher's Florist, Same Day Flower Delivery, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Shop with Maher’s Florist for Glorious Easter and Spring Flowers

Maher’s Florist Offers Beautiful and Thoughtful Funeral and Sympathy Flowers

Maher's Florist We invite you to order Funeral and Sympathy Flowers from Maher's Florist, our skilled and compassionate staff will work directly with the funeral home to ensure that your delivery is timely and accurate. Our team of ultra-talented floral designers consistently creates the most sincere, tasteful and heartfelt sympathy and funeral flowers. After years of putting our customers first with marvelous floral products, we will touch your heart and those surrounding you as you honor your loved one. Memorial Service Memorial services can be found centered around several different themes and Maher's Florist is prepared for any theme and venue you want to create. For example, the service can take place in a funeral home, church, crematorium or chapel. It can involve an open or closed casket. Open caskets are most common in the US and allows the attendees to say a final good-bye to the deceased. Often family or friends are asked to address others with a tribute to the life of the person. Our professional floral designers at Maher's Florist will prepare the most stunning flower arrangement to add [...]

2022-03-27T23:24:32+00:00March 27, 2022|Floral Designers, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Funeral and Sympathy Flowers, Maher's Florist, Maher's Sympathy Flowers, Pasadena Maryland Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Maher’s Florist Offers Beautiful and Thoughtful Funeral and Sympathy Flowers

Maher’s Florist invites you to visit our Floral Design Team for Easter and Passover Flowers

Maher's Florist has over 45 Years of Experience in the Floral Industry Easter Easter is on April 17th. This is a favorite Spring holiday with the parades, easter egg hunts and families gathering for church and Easter dinner. Maher's Florist would be thrilled to have you shop with us for fresh and colorful Easter and Passover Flowers. Our dazzling bouquets are designed to complement the Easter festivities. An interesting and maybe not a commonly known fact about Easter is that it is referred to as the "moveable feast". This is because Easter is a Religious Holiday that moves from year to year.  Not every holiday can claim that.  Easter occurs after the first Full Moon following the start of Spring. This April Full Moon is referred to as the "Paschal Moon" or Pink Moon and is April's first Full Moon.  Easter, as with other holidays, ushers in a changing of the seasons. That season of course being Spring. Early history reveals that the Easter festival was more celebrated by Catholics than Protestants. The Puritans of New England considered both Easter and [...]

2022-03-23T13:15:30+00:00March 23, 2022|Easter and Passover Flowers, Easter Flowers, Easter Plants, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Flyline Search Marketing, Maher's Florist, Mark Lein, Same Day Flower Delivery, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Maher’s Florist invites you to visit our Floral Design Team for Easter and Passover Flowers

See our Wonderful Spring Flower Collection at Maher’s Florist

Maher's Florist Employs Award-Winning Floral Designers The awesome Spring season begins March 20th and goes until June 21st. To allow our customers to "Step into Spring", our expert floral designers have created lovely Spring Flower Collection. This collection features a wide array of brightly colored and very fresh springtime floral products. If you would like to delight someone, send them a stunning Maher's Florist Spring flower bouquet. They will be thrilled and filled with the joy that Spring creates. Spring brings about the fresh growth of flowers and plants. It is arguably the most colorful and spectacular time of year for flowers. As you search for a great Spring Flower Collection, keep in mind some of Spring flowers to purchase or grow. Lilacs - Found in several varieties, Lilacs are colorful and very fragrant. Despite the old wives' tale that if is bad luck to bring them indoors, their blooms of blue, pink, white and lilac will brighten up any home. Tulips - These amazing springtime flowers are very low maintenance. You plant the bulbs in late fall or early winter. [...]

2022-03-14T16:28:24+00:00March 14, 2022|Florist Pasadena Maryland, Maher's Florist, Same Day Flower Delivery, Spring Flower Bouquets, Spring Flower Collection, Uncategorized|Comments Off on See our Wonderful Spring Flower Collection at Maher’s Florist

Find the best Saint Patrick’s Day Flowers at Maher’s Florist

Maher's Florist offers Same Day Local Flower Delivery The upcoming Saint Patrick's Day is the last major holiday we celebrate before the wonderful Spring season begins. Furthermore, it will also be the first in a couple of years where people will be gathering in larger crowds. Send beautiful Saint Patrick's Day Flowers from Maher's Florist to celebrate this enjoyable holiday.  Our staff is made up of a team of extremely talented and passionate floral designers. They create dazzling, caring, fresh and upscale flower arrangements and can have them available for local same day flower delivery service. Did you know that the original theme color for Saint Patrick's Day was blue and not green? If you want to be original, try purchasing some of our blue flower arrangements and tell your guests they are for this special holiday. Some of the favorite flowers and plants to purchase for Saint Patrick's Day are: Shamrocks These are the traditional plants symbolizing Spring’s rebirth and were once considered a sacred plant in Ireland. Bells of Ireland This plant has tall green spires with bell shaped blooms. [...]

2022-03-07T22:37:36+00:00March 7, 2022|Maher's Florist, Orchids, Pasadena Maryland Florist, Saint Patrick's Day Flowers, Saint Patrick's Day Plants, Same Day Flower Delivery, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Find the best Saint Patrick’s Day Flowers at Maher’s Florist

Maher’s Florist Offers Lovely Flowers to Honor International Women’s Day

Maher's Florist Proudly Serving Pasadena Maryland International Women's Day is observed on March 8th. Since the early 1900's, women struggled to gain equal pay and voting rights etc. Today with the help of many advocates, women's rights have come very far. This special day on March 8 is designed to pay tribute to the wonderful women and their contributions. Also, a time to ponder the struggles over many years to get past the injustices women were faced with.  Maher's Florist sells only the freshest and most caring floral products and arrangements. To honor a special woman or women's group on this day, you can send lovely flowers from Maher's Florist. Looking back on the historical advancements for women's rights, it is unbelievable how much progress has occurred with respect to equality. Women now hold many powerful and influential positions within our society including prestigious board roles. In 1909 the first International Women's Day was held in the United States of America. The day began to gain popularity in other countries. By 1911 it was observed in several countries including Austria, Denmark, Germany [...]

2022-02-28T14:27:37+00:00February 28, 2022|International Women's Day Flowers, Maher's Florist, Pasadena Maryland Florist, Same Day Flower Delivery, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Maher’s Florist Offers Lovely Flowers to Honor International Women’s Day

Maher’s Florist Offers the best March Birthday Flowers in town

Maher's Florist Has Been Serving Customers for over 44 Years People with March Birthdays have a great month to celebrate. March Birthday Flowers from Maher's Florist will convey a caring message also! March has some unique things to offer. For example, it is the month when we make the wonderful change from Winter to Spring. Well at least in our hemisphere. Assuming you prefer warmer weather and the beginning of new growth for plants and flowers, Spring is a magnificent time of year. Some of the other unique things about March are: People born up until March 19th are considered to be Pisces on the zodiac chart. Those born after that date are considered to be Aries. Followers of the zodiac signs feel that Pisces people are compassionate and creative. Conversely, Aries people are thought to be passionate, motivated and energetic. There are two birthstones in March. One is the Aquamarine. This stone is blue-green and creates beautiful jewelry and the name comes from the Latin word for seawater. It is thought to have healing powers. The second birthstone is the Bloodstone. [...]

2022-02-22T22:33:36+00:00February 21, 2022|Florist Pasadena Maryland, Maher's Florist, March Birthday Flowers, Pasadena Maryland Florist, Same Day Flower Delivery, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Maher’s Florist Offers the best March Birthday Flowers in town

Get Ready to Celebrate National Floral Design Day with Flowers from Maher’s Florist

Maher's Florist This February 28th is recognized as National Floral Design Day. It is a wonderful day established to recognize the art of Floral Design. Anyone who appreciates art realizes that designing a beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers takes skill, patience and artistry. For the most part, it is only these people that are able to create masterpieces that customers want to purchase. Maher's Florist employs people that embody these traits. They know that flowers demonstrate a sense of caring which is the foundation for a great product. Floral Design Day actually began in 1995 when the Governor of Massachusetts proclaimed this National Floral Design Day. Possessing a talent for artistry, the Floral Designers in the several billion-dollar floral industry space, are simply creative people. To become a Floral Designer, a person typically needs to be a high school graduate. Then there are numerous classes these individuals may take to further their knowledge and skill.  There is even a designation offered by The American Institute of Floral Designers for Certified Floral Designer. The Floral Design team at Maher's Florist is one of [...]

2022-02-14T22:27:46+00:00February 14, 2022|Floral Designers, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Maher's Florist, National Floral Design Day, Same Day Flower Delivery, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Get Ready to Celebrate National Floral Design Day with Flowers from Maher’s Florist

Send Random Acts of Kindness Day Flowers from Maher’s Florist on 2/17

Maher's Florist Random Acts of Kindness Day Flowers In fact, most people feel the love when someone shows kindness towards them. That being the case, Random Acts of Kindness Day Flowers are a wonderful way to show someone you care. Maher's Florist has amazing flowers that anyone would be pleased to receive. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation was founded in 1995. This foundation started in the United States and is headquartered in Denver, Colorado. Accordingly, the founder is actually the Chairman of World Kindness, USA. Then in 2004, a day was created in New Zealand designed to encourage Random Acts of Kindness. There are numerous suggestions promoted. For instance, buying food at the grocery store and donating it to a food pantry, buying flowers for someone, bringing baked goods to the office, taking a gift to new neighbors and the list goes on. Consequently, this wonderful tradition continues to grow in popularity. What is more, people have expressed that doing a simple act of kindness makes them feel as positive as the receiver of that action. One of the best quotes [...]

2022-02-10T13:23:28+00:00February 10, 2022|Florist Pasadena Maryland, Maher's Florist, Pasadena Maryland Florist, Random Acts of Kindness Day Flowers, Same Day Flower Delivery, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Send Random Acts of Kindness Day Flowers from Maher’s Florist on 2/17

This February National Wedding Month, contact Maher’s Florist for expert consulation

Maher's Florist Flowers February National Wedding Month Most frequently, Weddings are hosted in either June, August or September. However, the National Association of Bridal Consultants has named this month as February National Wedding Month. The reason February is referred to as National Wedding Month is because during the Christmas holiday season, many wedding proposals take place. Consequently, wedding plans begin to take shape. Booking venues, choosing wedding attire and making selections for flowers and entertainment all commence. This increased activity surrounding weddings has been the reason February is dubbed National Weddings Month. Each year in the United States, studies show there are an estimated 2.4 million couples that get married. Valentine's Day is the most romantic of the holidays. Second only to New Year's Day, there are many proposals during this time and couples like getting married on Valentine's Day. Couples feel they then have this special day to commemorate their wedding anniversary.  In addition, there is the leap year factor causing some couples to get married on February 29th. Of course, this occurs once every four years. In addition, Wedding [...]

2022-02-03T17:59:11+00:00February 3, 2022|February National Wedding Month, Maher's Florist, Maher's Wedding Flowers, Same Day Flower Delivery, Uncategorized, Wedding Consultation, Wedding Flowers|Comments Off on This February National Wedding Month, contact Maher’s Florist for expert consulation
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