Shop with Maher’s Florist for Glorious Easter and Spring Flowers
Maher's Florist Buys Many of the Flowers we Sell Direct from the Growers for the Benefit of our Customers. Spring is a perfect time of year to visit Maher's Florist and shop with us to see our spectacular Easter and Spring Flowers Collection. Lasting until June 21st, we are gifted with the beautiful colors and activities that come with the wonderous Spring Season. Easter has always been a traditional holiday to spend time with loved ones and friends. It is also a perfect holiday for colorful flowers. During Spring there are a multitude of colorful flowers to purchase for Easter. Not only do flowers add beauty and freshness to the Easter Holiday and Spring Season, but they also have religious meaning in some cases as they relate to Easter. Maher's Florist has a broad selection of Easter and Spring Flowers. It is a great time of year to get outdoors with family and enjoy the beauty of the season. There are many different events in and around the Pasadena area. One such event is the Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Pasadena [...]