Celebrate your wonderful Grandparents on National Grandparent’s Day with tasteful, elegant and fresh flowers from Maher’s Florist

Maher's Florist Maher's Florist has caring and thoughtful assortments of gorgeous flower arrangements that will make Grandparents feel very appreciated this Grandparent's Day.  Grandparents are a very important part of every family and deserve to have a special day dedicated to them. The idea of this nationally recognized day started in 1969 when a young boy wrote a letter to President Nixon asking to make a special day for Grandparents. The boy received a thank you note back but it said these types of special observance days needed to be authorized by Congress. However, a housewife from West Virginia kept up her fight for a national  holiday to honor grandparents and finally won her cause in 1978. In 1977, Senator Randolph, with the help of other senators, introduced a joint resolution to the senate requesting the president to “issue annually a proclamation designating the first Sunday of September after Labor Day of each year as ‘National Grandparents’ Day’.” Congress passed the legislation, proclaiming the first Sunday after Labor Day as National Grandparent’s Day. On August 3, 1978,  President Jimmy Carter signed [...]

2021-09-04T23:25:37+00:00September 4, 2021|Ecuadorian Roses, Floral Designers, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Grandparent's Day Flowers, Hydrangeas, Maher's Florist, Orchids, Pasadena Maryland Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Celebrate your wonderful Grandparents on National Grandparent’s Day with tasteful, elegant and fresh flowers from Maher’s Florist

Send Happy Back to School Flowers from Maher’s Florist

Maher's Florist School is back in season for many parts of the country. One way to get teachers, parents and students excited is to give them beautiful flowers from Maher's Florist. Our floral designers are super talented and have created stunning flower arrangements. Times are still stressful especially regarding health safety. Many research studies deal with the psychology of the teachers and their coping mechanisms. A great number of teachers are fearful for their health and right fully so. There are many research sites that help teachers learn to deal with that anxiety and look for support. In this time of much concern it is important that parents and teachers unite to show their children and students a cohesive message of the facts. Young people are influenced by what they see so if parents and teachers focus on educating the younger people on CDC guidelines of washing hands and cleaning policies and less on fear, the effect will be positive for children. Researching the numerous studies and advice that is given reveals several things adults can focus on: Teacher's set the [...]

2021-08-27T00:11:41+00:00August 28, 2021|Back to School Flowers, Ecuadorian Roses, Floral Designers, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Maher's Florist, Pasadena Maryland Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Send Happy Back to School Flowers from Maher’s Florist

Maher’s Florist has wonderful Labor Day flowers for all of your weekend festivities

Maher's Florist This Labor Day on September 6th,  make sure to shop with Maher's Florist for beautiful same day delivery flower arrangements and plants. The Labor Day weekend will be filled with fun activities like backyard barbeques, pool parties and maybe some travel. Floral products from Maher's Florist will enhance any Labor Day party. Local Same Day & Rush Flower Delivery        Nationwide Same Day Flower Delivery https://maps.google.com/maps?safe=off&q=8095-C+Edwin+Raynor+Boulevard++Pasadena,+MD+21122 The first state in the union to designate Labor Day as a public holiday was Oregon in 1887. By 1994 it was designated as a federal holiday and thirty states recognized Labor Day. Now it is a traditional holiday recognized by all states. Celebrated the first Monday in September, Labor Day honors the American workers contributions to the development, growth, endurance, strength, security, prosperity, productivity, sustainability, persistence, structure, and well-being of the country. While bitter sweet, as Labor Day signifies the end of summer and the start of a new school year, it is celebrated by family picnics, barbecues and trips to the beach. In the fashion industry, Labor Day is considered [...]

2021-08-21T01:11:10+00:00August 21, 2021|Ecuadorian Roses, Floral Designers, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Hydrangeas, Labor Day Flowers, Maher's Florist, Pasadena Maryland Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Maher’s Florist has wonderful Labor Day flowers for all of your weekend festivities

Shop with Maher’s Florist and find great flower arrangements for Senior Citizen’s Day, Kiss and Make up Day and Just Because Day

Maher's Florist August has a few unique and fun days where giving Maher's Florist flower arrangements is perfect.  Some of those days are Senior Citizens Day on 8/21, Kiss and Make Up Day on 8/25 and Just Because Day on 8/27. Any or all of these days are great to send a special someone flowers from Maher's Florist. National Kiss and Make Up Day On August 25th, you have the perfect opportunity to end any arguments with someone. And if the someone happens to be your significant other, perhaps a bit of kissing might be in order. From a purely scientific and chemical perspective, studies have shown the kissing releases serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin. These are other wise know as feel good elixirs and can do wonders for a relationship that has been under the stress of a disagreement. Kiss and Make Up Day was founded and promoted by Jacqueline Milgate. She was from Hilton New York and had a passion for wanting to see people with healthy and happy relationships. Creating such a special day as this would provide loved [...]

2021-08-14T01:48:19+00:00August 14, 2021|Floral Designers, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Kiss and Make Up Day Flowers, Maher's Florist, Same Day Flower Delivery, Senior Citizen's Day Flowers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Shop with Maher’s Florist and find great flower arrangements for Senior Citizen’s Day, Kiss and Make up Day and Just Because Day

Shop Maher’s Florist for wonderful same day delivery flowers for this National Smile Week

Maher Florist National Smile Week is the 2nd week in August. Creating smiles on faces is something the professional Floral Designers at Maher's Florist have been doing for many years. So on this upcoming National Smile Week, visit Maher's Florist online or in person and order a caring flower arrangement for same day delivery and put a smile on that special someone's face. National Smile Week was originally created as a time to promote dental hygiene. This was the original intent and still is an important aspect. However, National Smile Week is also valued as a week to focus on the benefits of smiling as it relates to interpersonal relationships and one's over all well being. So use all 44 facial muscles and thousands of facial expressions to feel happier. Studies show that smiling increases happiness which in turn helps breathing and the heart. It is also true that flowers from Maher's Florist make people happier! Smiles are infectious and below are some of the things that have been discovered through various studies on the effects of smiling: Everyone experiences rough days no [...]

2021-08-06T20:32:03+00:00August 6, 2021|Ecuadorian Roses, Floral Designers, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Maher's Florist, National Smile Week Flowers, Pasadena Maryland Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Shop Maher’s Florist for wonderful same day delivery flowers for this National Smile Week

This Romance Awareness Month, shop with Maher’s Florist for same day delivery of fresh and elegant flowers

Maher's Florist August is Romance Awareness Month. Maher's Florist specializes in creating the most caring, romantic and sweet flower arrangements in town. Often people think only of Valentine's Day as the one day per year when special romance takes place. The beauty of Romance Awareness Month is that it provides a mid term reminder that romance should always be present. Maher's Florist and our creative Floral Designers are standing by to help you select a super romantic flower arrangement for your special person. If you want to do a little extra in addition to giving beautiful Maher's Florist flowers, here are a few simple activities that might be enjoyable. Remember many times it is the simple things that mean the most. How romantic an evening stroll can be. Of course it is August so perhaps wait until sunset and bring water. Almost everyone enjoys a good movie. Pick the style you and your special one enjoy and then go to the theatre or rent a movie at home. If you are a good writer, create a love letter or poem and leave it [...]

2021-07-31T17:53:57+00:00July 30, 2021|Ecuadorian Roses, Floral Designers, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Maher's Florist, Pasadena Maryland Florist, Romance Awareness Month, Same Day Flower Delivery, Uncategorized|Comments Off on This Romance Awareness Month, shop with Maher’s Florist for same day delivery of fresh and elegant flowers

Maher’s Florist will deliver the most elegant flowers and caring wedding consultation for your Late Summer Wedding

Maher's Florist An interesting fact is that most weddings, in fact statistically 73% occur during the late summer and early fall. These seasons are the most conducive to nice outdoor weather.  This of course makes for lovely wedding photos and outdoor receptions. With the Maher's Florist wedding division,  you will receive the best wedding consultation and the most spectacular flowers anywhere. Weddings are such a special occasion and caring flowers from Maher's Florist can be a absolute game changer for any wedding.  Maher's Florist and our talented floral designers have created stunning late summer wedding flowers. Each arrangement prepared to reflect the caring affection of this special occasion. Maher’s Florist Wedding Flowers Pasadena Maryland’s Best Local Wedding Florist Maher’s Florist offers the best wedding flowers in Pasadena, Maryland. We employ an award winning team of wedding flower designers. These folks create stunning bridal bouquets, beautiful flowers for the wedding chapel and gorgeous reception flowers. We believe that our wedding and event team is one of the very best in the state of Maryland. Our firm has provided wedding flower designs for some of the [...]

2021-07-23T23:57:22+00:00July 23, 2021|Floral Designers, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Maher's Florist, Uncategorized, Wedding Consultation, Wedding Flowers|Comments Off on Maher’s Florist will deliver the most elegant flowers and caring wedding consultation for your Late Summer Wedding

This International Day of Friendship on July 30th, shop with Maher’s Florist’s for beautiful and classy friendship themed flower arrangements

Maher's Florist Celebrated on July 30th each year since 2011, International Day of Friendship has become a popular world wide holiday.  There is so much diversity in this world with cultures and beliefs. Having an Internationally recognized day for people to stop, celebrate and promote understanding in human differences is valuable. The main purpose of this day is to help all of us appreciate the differences in our cultures and try to unite. What a great time to pick out a classy and beautiful flower arrangement professionally prepared by a Maher's Florist floral designer. Our arrangements are spectacular and guaranteed to make your friends feel loved. Numerous governments, individuals, and community interest groups work schedule events that are designed to kindle friendships within their communities and extending outside of their communities.  Parades displaying multiple country flags followed by music festivals hosted by multi cultural bands are common place. If you are looking for some fun things to do on International Day of Friendship, below are a few ideas you can encourage children to do. Have kids create a friendship class book. [...]

2021-07-17T13:39:42+00:00July 17, 2021|Floral Designers, Florist Pasadena Maryland, International Day of Friendship, Maher's Florist, Pasadena Maryland Florist, Uncategorized|Comments Off on This International Day of Friendship on July 30th, shop with Maher’s Florist’s for beautiful and classy friendship themed flower arrangements

This National Parent’s Day on July 25th, shop with Maher’s Florist for the freshest flowers

Maher's Florist This National Parent's Day, surprise your parents with a lovely fresh and caring flower arrangement from Maher's Florist. We are a 44 year plus family run business and prepare beautiful flower arrangements. We take special care in every arrangement we create. You can be sure your parents will feel the love. Our parents are special people in our life. They have selflessly given up their time to make sure we are cared for and provided with the proper tools to be successful.  Since the early 1900s, parents have long been celebrated. Now we officially have Mother's and Father's days to be observed. In 1994, President Bill Clinton signed a Congressional Resolution that effectively created National Parent's Day. President Clinton felt it was important to publicly recognize the supporting role all parents play in the rearing of their children. Giving a beautiful and caring flower bouquet from Maher's Florist to your parents is a great start. You might want to hand deliver as an in person visit is always welcome.  If it is not geographically practical to visit in person, then [...]

2021-07-10T11:48:11+00:00July 10, 2021|Floral Designers, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Maher's Florist, National Parent's Day Flowers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on This National Parent’s Day on July 25th, shop with Maher’s Florist for the freshest flowers

Maher’s Florist has colorful and fresh Succulents to enhance your patio this Summer

Maher's Florist Succulents make both amazing and unique summer decorations as well as great conversation pieces due to the many shapes, colors and varieties.  Maher's Florist offers an array of Succulents to choose from.  Our very talented and professional floral designers will help you find the perfect patio or poolside Succulent for your patio. These exquisite plants are very drought resistant. Because they are able to absorb and retain large amounts of water, the leaves, stems and roots often get a very fleshy appearance. The water retainage allows these plants to survive very hot and arid conditions. Below are a few of the many interesting varieties of Succulent Plants: Burro’s Tail  - This cool plant grows to about four inches long and yes resembles a donkey's tail.  They are not hard to care for and do best in a container that drains well. Crown of Thorns - These enjoy being close to a window to receive about three to four hours of sunlight per day. When its soil is completely dry it is time to water. One myth about the Crown of Thorns comes [...]

2021-07-03T13:46:57+00:00July 3, 2021|Floral Designers, Florist Pasadena Maryland, Maher's Florist, Succulents, Summer Plants, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Maher’s Florist has colorful and fresh Succulents to enhance your patio this Summer
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