Add color and freshness to your July Birthday and Outdoor parties with flowers from Maher’s Florist
Maher's Florist July ushers in our wonderful summertime season. This is the warmest weather of the season and offers so many fun times. People are once again traveling on vacations and there are lots of outdoor activities. Maher's Florist has marvelous flowers to add freshness and color for every birthday celebration, patio party and independence day gathering. If you are wanting to host a birthday or summer patio party, there are numerous fun activities you can plan. Remember to have beautiful and caring summer bouquets of flowers from Maher's Florist on display! Below are just a few ideas of inexpensive games and activities you can create. Caterpillar Hunt - Hide short pieces of different colored wool around the yard. Let the little ones gather the wool and the one who finds the most "wool caterpillars" wins. Relay Races - Sack Races, Three Legged Races or carrying an egg on a spoon are all great competitive games to host. Hidden Gummy Bears - Lots of children and adults for that matter like Gummy Bears. Give each contestant a paper plate filled with whipped [...]