Shop with Maher’s Florist this Thanksgiving holiday and make your home festive and fresh with our flowers and holiday décor

Maher's Florist On Thanksgiving, create a festive and fresh atmosphere with lovely flowers from Maher's Florist. Our talented floral designers have produced some of the most sensational holiday floral products to be found. As history tells us, Thanksgiving originated in 1621. During a very cold winter when the Pilgrims first landed in America, they were able to survive by the generosity of the Native Americans that shared food with them. To repay their new friends, the Pilgrims held a three day feast. The bounty they shared included dried fruits, boiled pumpkin, turkey, venison and other foods. A slightly different menu from what we are accustomed to but no doubt a delightful feast at that time. Over the many years the theme of a celebration of harvest has continued to evolve. Today we think of Thanksgiving as a time to give thanks for our foundation of this great Nation. Of course it is also the official start of the holiday season and a special time of fellowship with family and friends. Upon receiving consistent encouragement from some, President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a [...]